Welcome to the captivating world of Scurry, a remarkable graphic novel published by Drawn and Quarterly. This enchanting tale revolves around a group of house mice who find themselves facing the severe challenges of survival as winter sets in. With the humans gone and the sun rarely shining, these brave little creatures must navigate through a cold and dark landscape, where danger lurks at every turn.
As the story unfolds, we learn that the mice, previously reliant on humans for food and shelter, are now struggling to adapt to their drastically changed environment. Abandoned houses, once a treasure trove of scraps, have turned into ominous places where danger awaits. The mice venture out in search of food, but they often return empty-handed, their hopes dashed against the harsh reality of scarcity. This poignant narrative captures the essence of resilience in the face of adversity.
The tension escalates as food becomes increasingly scarce, and the threat of predators looms large. Poison and traps lie in wait for the unsuspecting, creating a daunting atmosphere for our small protagonists. In addition, a gang of feral cats relentlessly stalks the mice, eager to pounce on any opportunity to feast on them. To add to their woes, rumors of a hawk entering the scene only add to the growing sense of dread.
As desperation sets in, the colony faces a breaking point. With many mice falling ill due to the harsh conditions, hope comes in the form of a rumor about a wrecked truck filled with food. However, this glimmer of hope lies far beyond the safety of the forest, in an area where even the feral cats dare not tread. The journey to find this food becomes a symbol of hope and determination for the mice, as they weigh the risks against the potential rewards.
Included with Scurry is a two-page READER’S GUIDE that enhances the reading experience, providing insights into the themes and messages of the story. Moreover, educators will be pleased to find a comprehensive TEACHER’S GUIDE available at, which offers valuable resources for discussing the book in a classroom setting.
In conclusion, Scurry is not just a story about mice; it is a profound exploration of survival, community, and the unyielding spirit to overcome obstacles. This graphic novel promises to engage readers of all ages, inviting them to empathize with the struggles of its characters while reflecting on their own experiences of resilience.
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