Experience the thrilling saga of the Avengers Epic Collection: The Crossing Line, where international action unfolds as the Avengers face formidable foes. To avert a catastrophic nuclear disaster, the Avengers engage with the Russian People’s Protectorate, Canada’s Alpha Flight, and the undersea power of Atlantis. But the stakes are high, as back in their home, Jarvis and the Avengers’ support staff face their own challenges.
The story intensifies as both the East and West Coast Avengers unite against the towering menace known as Terminus. In this high-stakes environment, a new hero emerges: Rage. Will the Avengers embrace this new addition in their quest to overcome the bizarre Tetrarchs of Entropy? This collection not only showcases their battles but also highlights the formation of new alliances.
As the Avengers sign a new charter with the United Nations, the dynamics within the team shift dramatically. Who will step forward to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Will it be Rage, Spider-Man, or even the Sandman? The unfolding drama keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
As the Avengers’ saga progresses, the infamous Doctor Doom sets his sights on Avengers Mansion, leading to yet another thrilling confrontation. This collection brings together a wealth of material from various sources, including AVENGERS (1963) #319-333, ANNUAL #19, and additional stories from Captain America Annual #9, Iron Man Annual #11, Thor Annual #15, and Avengers West Coast Annual #5.
Brand | Marvel |
Features | International action, new heroes, team dynamics, and classic battles |
In conclusion, Avengers Epic Collection: The Crossing Line is a must-read for fans of superhero narratives. The collection not only features iconic battles and beloved characters but also introduces fresh heroes and complex storylines that enrich the Marvel Universe. Dive into this epic adventure and witness the evolution of the Avengers as they face their fiercest challenges yet!
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