Introducing the captivating collection of one of Marvel UK’s most beloved characters, Death’s Head: Freelance Peacekeeping Agent. This anthology gathers the original adventures of the android assassin, featuring a total of 11 issues including Dragon’s Claws (1988) #5, Death’s Head (1988) #1-7, 9-10, and much more. Fans of Marvel will delight in the action-packed stories that span across different dimensions and future timelines.
Death’s Head is not your average bounty hunter; he is a complex character with a rich backstory. The collection explores his mind-bending origin, revealing the intricacies of his existence and the challenges he faces. Readers will follow Death’s Head as he confronts a diverse array of enemies, from the notorious Fantastic Four to the formidable Hulk and She-Hulk. Each encounter is filled with excitement and surprises, making this collection a must-have for any comic book enthusiast.
Let’s take a closer look at what this collection has to offer:
Included Issues | Year |
Dragon’s Claws #5 | 1988 |
Death’s Head #1-7, 9-10 | 1988 |
Death’s Head: The Body in Question | 1990 |
Fantastic Four #338 | 1991 |
Sensational She-Hulk #24 | 1989 |
What If? #54 | 1989 |
Marvel Heroes #33 | 2008 |
Marvel Comics Presents #76 | 1988 |
This collection is more than just a series of comic books; it’s a journey through the realms of imagination and creativity. With every turn of the page, readers will be engrossed in the vivid illustrations and gripping narratives that define Death’s Head’s adventures. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the Marvel universe, this compilation promises to entertain and engage.
In summary, the Death’s Head: Freelance Peacekeeping Agent collection is a celebration of one of Marvel’s iconic characters. It offers a blend of action, humor, and thrilling storytelling that will leave you wanting more. Don’t miss the chance to own this exceptional piece of comic book history!
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